Team Talk

Team Talk2023-02-22T14:47:39-08:00
Content Marketing Tales — Branding like Brando
Content Marketing Tales — Branding like Brando

The late, great actor Marlon Brando once said that the key to great acting is the element of surprise: the unexpected ge […]. . .more. . .

Know your Audience – Eye of the Beholder
Know your Audience – Eye of the Beholder

Those of us of a certain, ahem, age will likely remember the episode of the old television series, the Twilight Zone, in […]. . .more. . .

Know your Audience – Three Heavy Little Words
Know your Audience – Three Heavy Little Words

It was only three words and they likely wouldn’t have caused a kerfuffle in any other country. “Ebit macht frei,” which […]. . .more. . .

All That Jazz
All That Jazz

Of Dizzy Gillespie’s many jazz compositions, none is more infectiously catchy than Manteca. First performed in 1947, the […]. . .more. . .

What can we learn from Sports Brands? #45 – The Brand
What can we learn from Sports Brands? #45 – The Brand

The story, perhaps apocryphal, goes something like this. At the height of his fame in the early 1990s, Michael Jordan’s […]. . .more. . .

The Yankees – The Brand
The Yankees – The Brand

“Being a New York Yankees fan,” the comedian Doug Stanhope has quipped,”is like going to a casino and cheering for the h […]. . .more. . .

Sorry my story is so long
Sorry my story is so long

The story used to be a staple in newsrooms across the country. “Sorry my story is so long,” the young reporter says to h […]. . .more. . .

Ali – The Brand
Ali – The Brand

As the boxer aged, the irascible sports journalist Howard Cossell would chide Muhammad Ali about his diminishing boxing […]. . .more. . .

Nattering Nabobs of Negativism
Nattering Nabobs of Negativism

Stumping for Republican Congressional candidates in the 1970 midterm elections, Vice-President Spiro Agnew attacked the […]. . .more. . .

What can we learn from Sports Brands? #7 – The Brand
What can we learn from Sports Brands? #7 – The Brand

Similar to Joe DiMaggio’s, the former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick is tall and  lean, with the effortless gait– and […]. . .more. . .

By the Inch, Life’s a Cinch
By the Inch, Life’s a Cinch

One of the more common misperceptions in brand marketing is that you can expand your company’s audience with that single […]. . .more. . .

Serena – The Brand
Serena – The Brand

“If you were a tennis player, who would you want to be like?” an unseen interviewer asks a young gap-toothed Serena Will […]. . .more. . .

I See You
I See You

South Africans typically greet each other with the Zulu word Sawubona–Sawa for short–which translates literally to “I […]. . .more. . .

Content that Kills
Content that Kills

The prosecutors thought the case was a slam dunk: their evidence included the murder weapon, DNA, and witnesses who test […]. . .more. . .

What can we learn from Sports Brands? #5 – The Brand
What can we learn from Sports Brands? #5 – The Brand

Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio, Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you, With his bantamweight’s physique, and gracefu […]. . .more. . .

Branding Bible
Branding Bible

Good brand marketing is a little bit like a good church. The pastor’s sermon represents the content, the parishioners in […]. . .more. . .

What can we learn from Sports Brands? #3 – The Brand
What can we learn from Sports Brands? #3 – The Brand

“Practice?” begins perhaps the most famous rant in history. “We’re sitting here … I’m supposed to be the franchise playe […]. . .more. . .

When ‘Just the Facts’ Just isn’t Enough
When ‘Just the Facts’ Just isn’t Enough

As a friend tells the story,  he was watching a television reporter interview the pilot of a commercial jet that had had […]. . .more. . .

What can we learn from Sports Brands? #23 – The Brand
What can we learn from Sports Brands? #23 – The Brand

When LeBron James played for the Miami Heat, a man walked into a San Francisco bar one afternoon to catch an NBA game, s […]. . .more. . .

The Story of Content
The Story of Content

Had you asked the average Minnesotan in early 1991 to handicap that year’s U.S. Senate race, the vast majority would’ve […]. . .more. . .

What can we learn from Sports Brands? The Packers – The Brand
What can we learn from Sports Brands? The Packers – The Brand

A 2017 survey by the number-crunching website Five Thirty Eight found that the most beloved team in the NFL is not the D […]. . .more. . .

Marketing Memories
Marketing Memories

Reading  a middle-aged man’s  reminiscence about a high-school classmate who was a gifted athlete raises a question: can […]. . .more. . .

What can we learn from Sports Brands? #33 – The Brand
What can we learn from Sports Brands? #33 – The Brand
As legend has it, a gaggle of players was assembled in the locker room awaiting the start of the NBA All-Star game’s thr […]. . .more. . .
The Olympics – The Brand
The Olympics – The Brand

It seems unimaginable today but no one wanted the 1984 Summer Olympics. At the height of the Cold War, the U.S. had boyc […]. . .more. . .

First, the Eyes
First, the Eyes

If you ever read Alice Steinbach’s profile of a 10-year-old blind boy that appeared in the Baltimore Sun in May of 1984, […]. . .more. . .


As legend has it, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs, Neal Cassady and Lawrence Ferlinghetti were strugg […]. . .more. . .

Nothin but a Number
Nothin but a Number
I remember feeling a little bit silly starting the invoice numbers for Malaga Corp. (dba Communications Team) at A100000 […]. . .more. . .