Communications Team believes in creating community, engaging community, and supporting community. We’re proud to support these great organizations and causes.

Jason Becker Creative Care Project, Inc.

Building intentional communities that prioritize care, and may serve as models for more humane and socially sustainable long-term care, urban development and planning, is our ultimate goal.

Communications Team is a proud sponsor of Jason Becker Creative Care Project, Inc.

Emeryville Commerce Connection

The Emeryville Commerce Connection (ECC) is a mutual benefit nonprofit organization, 501(c)(6), incorporated with the purpose of promoting the common economic interests of its members and the commercial enterprises in Emeryville. The ECC will provide networking (Emeryville Connexion) events for the business community, act as an advocacy resource, workforce development and referral network, as well as promote the City of Emeryville and its business community.

Communications Team is a proud sponsor of ECC.

Gary Friedman

“My musical education started with piano at age 5. I also played trumpet in junior high and high school and studied organ and music theory during teen age. Playing and improvising on the piano only occasionally during adulthood, I returned to music seriously at age 54, studying oboe and English horn with Janet Popesco Archibald. I currently play these instruments in the College of Marin Symphony, the Lucas Valley Chamber Orchestra, the Bohemian Club Band and a woodwind quintet and octet.

I have served on the Board of Directors of Chamber Musicians of Northern California. Starting at age 64, I studied composition with Alexis Alrich in the Adult Extension Division of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. My musical works and their availability are described in this web site. I have been grateful and fortunate to have the honor of performances of several of my compositions by community orchestras and various chamber groups and by professional musicians at my 70th and 80th birthday parties.”

Communications Team is proud to sponsor Gary Friedman.

Hercules Education Foundation

The purpose of the Hercules Education Foundation is to assist and enhance educational opportunities for students in Hercules public schools. We raise funds through contributions from individuals, organizations, businesses, and institutions. The funds raised are donated to the expressed needs of our city’s public schools to enhance the quality of the classroom experience.

Communications Team is a proud sponsor of HEF.

Bay Front Chamber

Bay Front Chamber of Commerce is a collaborative initiative of the cities of Hercules, Pinole, and Rodeo, California whose members enjoy the beauty and vitality of the San Francisco Bay Area, and the community spirit of the Bay Front area.

Communications Team is a supporter and sponsor of this warm, active community.

Bay Area Peacekeepers

Our mission at Bay Area Peacekeepers is to begin the rebuilding process at the grassroots level, helping area children cope with all manner of trauma to become who they are meant to be. Throughout history, the most effective reconstruction efforts begin not with bricks and mortar but hearts and minds. Our mission, as we see it, is showing area youths that just because the terrain is treacherous does not mean it is unnavigable. All they need is hope, a workable plan, and some good friends.

Communications Team is proud to sponsor BAP!

Winston Burton

“The difficulty in working with so many different interests lies in not being categorized as one dimensional; being able to interact with various elements of the community, and not being identified as being solely aligned to any one camp, while still stating my purpose.”

Communications Team is proud to sponsor Winston Burton.

Karen Ripley

Karen Ripley  came on to the gay comedy scene in 1977 in San Francisco. From the cover of the East Bay Express (Berkeley, Ca) with Whoopi Goldberg to Ms. Magazines top 100 Lesbian Comic 2009. 2005 SF Fringe Best Musical Comedy with Annie Larson in the original play “Show Me where it Hurts,” and 2006 Diva Fest. with “waiting for FEMA.” Ripley has performed all over the USA and the Caribbean. She was featured in Logo’s Wisecracks episode 2.

Karen Ripley, from coast to coast  making the LGBT community laugh.

Communications Team is proud to sponsor Karen Ripley.

Reentry Court Solutions

REENTRY COURT SOLUTIONS (RCS) is designed to provide critical information, resources, and assistance to those interested in developing effective Reentry Courts and Evidence-Based Sentencing Systems. We will share our knowledge, experience, and expertise with those who wish to learn, and learn and disseminate information from those who wish to share what they know.

United Nations COVID-19 Creatives

We are proud of these creatives made with skill and love – a team effort that brought the team’s creative, writing, and design skills together to deliver the United Nation’s COVID-19 key message in a delightful but sober way.

Rising Stars

Communications Team is proud to sponsor BOSS’s Rising Stars event! For 6 years we’ve watched in awe as some of the most tenacious teens make their way through high school…and life.





May 11th, 2019|0 Comments

Despite an electrical outage, this year’s event was fantastic. In fact, the dim lights during the first half of the show created the perfect ambiance for the Berkeley High School Jazz Ensemble, our spoken word performer, Jada Imani, [...]