Our Work: Covid-19 Call for Creatives – United Nations

The Project

Proud of these creatives made with skill and love – a team effort that brought the team’s creative, writing, and design skills together to deliver the United Nation’s COVID-19 key message in a delightful but sober way.

World Health Organization United Nations Talenthouse #CovidOpenBrief #UNCovid19Brief #FlattenTheCurve #AloneTogether #ViralKindness #StopTheSpread #Coronavirus #Covid19
Please share …and stay safe! https://www.communicationsteam.com/united-nations-covid-19-message/

The Details

Work on this project included the following services: Illustration, Graphic Design, Research & Analysis, Creative Ideation, Content Development, Copy Writing, Social Media Marketing, Typography/Typesetting 

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